If you’re new to sunbeds you might feel overwhelmed by the vast choice available. Fantastic designs, futuristic features and an impressive list of characteristics - they all seem great. How do you make sure you pick the right sunbed for your salon? Let’s look at some things to keep in mind.
What does competition in the area offer?
If you’re competing with other local salons you’ll want to make sure the sunbeds you choose offer at least the same quality. With simple research you can find out what they're using and how you can enter the market with a greater offer. Check their pricing per session and see what extras their beds offer, such as aromatherapy, water breeze or soothing wellness sounds while you tan.
Stand-up or lie-down?
A sunbed requires space, so this will evidently influence your decision. If you have a rather small room when it comes to floor space you can still get a sunbed. With a stand-up unit you save space, just make sure your ceiling is high enough. If you’re going for a lie-down unit make sure you measure correctly before ordering your sunbed.
Don’t forget to also calculate space for clients to get dressed. If you have limited space look into products like the Ultrasun Changing Cubicle. This creates a private personal dressing room without the need for a separate room.
New or refurbished?
You’ve probably noticed there’s plenty of great refurbished sunbeds on offer. If you’re still unsure on the right choice of sunbed for your salon allow us to explain what to expect.
A refurbished sunbed is completely revised and retubed, meaning it will give your customers the same tanning experience as a brand-new bed. A perfectly refurbished sunbed can barely be distinguished from a new one. The most significant difference is the price, it’s considerably cheaper than a brand new one. On the other hand, if you want that newest possible sunbed to beat your local competitors, a new sunbed might be the better option. This brings us to the next point.
Price — and rent or buy?
You’ll need to do the math before investing in a sunbed. How long will it take to earn back your investment, what prices for tanning sessions are realistic? We can help you get started with our ROI calculator. Then, there’s the choice to buy or rent a sunbed. Buying can offer you a greater choice of beds and you’re not required to keep the bed for a minimum amount of time. Renting can be cheaper and often includes other services but means you’re responsible for monthly payments for at least a year. Check our blog for the benefits of renting a sunbed.
Let us help you make the right choice
With over 45 years’ experience we know which sunbeds will work for each salon. If you’re not sure which bed to choose, contact our team of experts to discuss all possibilities for your business.
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